lanston hughes poem a dream differed rhymes scheme is -ABCDCEFEGHI
it is a tribute to the creators of the negro spirituals slaves who's names are unknown.
The poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, by Langston Hughes, connects African-American history to the rivers of their heritage. The rivers of the Euphrates, Congo, and the Nile as their Middle Eastern and African heritage. Then the Mississippi River as their American heritage. It also shows their journey from freedom to slavery and back to freedom.
because song is poem is poem and that's that's so should i be this confused?
James Weldon Johnson. Originally it was known as "The Negro National Anthem".
yo mamas is not correct the correct answer is The Negro Speaks of Rivers.
Langston Hughes' first published poem is titled "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," which was published in the magazine The Crisis in 1921.
The meter of the poem "The Negro Mother" by Langston Hughes is primarily iambic tetrameter, with four iambs per line. This rhythmic pattern helps to create a sense of continuity and flow throughout the poem.
The Negro Speaks of Rivers
In "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", one refrain is "I've known rivers." This is a lyric poem in free verse by Langston Hughes.
This poem was written in 1926. He wrote this poem while on train heading to Mexico to visit his father. This poem was written while Hughes was reflecting on his past and thinking about his future.
The poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes follows an irregular rhyme scheme throughout the poem, with no consistent pattern. The rhyme scheme shifts between couplets and near rhymes in a free verse form, reflecting the flowing and organic nature of the poem's themes.
The purpose of the poem "A Negro Mother" by Langston Hughes is to highlight the strength, resilience, and sacrifices made by African American mothers in the face of adversity and injustice. It serves as a tribute to the love and courage of Black mothers throughout history.
lanston hughes poem a dream differed rhymes scheme is -ABCDCEFEGHI
The Black (or Negro) race as a whole. They hide their true feelings from others (the white race as a whole).
african american history has deep roots APEX :)