Yes Yes
In the NFL as of the 2007 season, only the quarterback is allowed to have a listening device in their helmet.
Yes they do. The loosing team from the Super Bowl receives a Super Bowl ring as well, but it is half the cost of the winning Super Bowl team's Super Bowl ring. Many players choose not to wear those rings, because it symbolizes defeat.
Majority of NFL players wear oakley visors.
A uniform: Cleats, Socks, Jersey, pants, sliding shorts, belt, hat or helmet, and a cup (optional)
No you are not allowed to wear jewellery whilst playing neball. The umpire must also check the players for jewellery before they take to the court. If you wish you may play with a medical alert braclet or wedding ring, but they MUST be taped. Wearing jewellery is a hazard to yourself and other players when playing netball. I don't think so but its probably not a good idea anyway. NO you cannot wear jewellery playing netball its is a safety hazard and can hurt you and people playing on court Yes that's true, you can not wear jewellery while playing netball or training for that matter because you can hurt yourself and/or people playing with you. It may be called a non-contact sport but there is a lot of contact. You have to have your nails short, so when you look at the palm of your hand you cant see your nails at the end of your fingers. if you wear sleeper earings people's fingers can get caught
Players wear helmets when playing American soccer.
wedding ring
Yes Yes
a super bowl ring
Players playing in the All Star games wear them
Yes, they have to wear these or simply, they are not allowed to play.
Yes, some NFL players with long braids are hair extensions.
White. Being the traditional colour of raquet sports, white is the required colour of clothing for players playing at Wimbledon
The only hallal jewellry for a man is one finger ring with a stone. Material does not matter. The ring should be made of silver, not of gold or platinum.
You are allowed to wear tennis shoes or sneakers at the referee's discretion.