Yes. Kids with ADHD can become many things as long as there ADHD does not affect how well they perform there job.
Vince Grella has severe ADHD, but controls it through intense medication
He had priaprism.
Axis i live with bad concentration skills
downs syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia, TB(tuberculosis)
Not necessarily. hyperactivity is a part of ADHD but hyperactivity it self is not adhd. This must be diagnosed by a medical professional and the subject may have adhd or is just a hyper type of person.
If your grandmother has been tested by a professional and diagnosed with ADHD, she will be referred to a physician who can prescribe medication.
It has always been a problem, it is just now that it has got a name "ADHD".
There are questionnaires that can determine if you have ADHD. However, you should see a licensed professional to decide this and see if you need intervention or medication.
Vince Grella has severe ADHD, but controls it through intense medication
There is currently no established stem cell treatment for ADHD. Research on stem cell therapy for ADHD is still in the preclinical stages and not yet ready for use in humans. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to explore evidence-based treatment options for ADHD.
This depends if you have ADHD or not. If you do have ADHD, it will calm you down, and it will be prescribed to you. If you do not have ADHD it will make you hyper, jittery, nervous, and sometimes a bit scary. It will NOT be prescribed if you don't have ADHD. In any case, you will stop eating or sleeping, and easily become addicted to it.
By having an assessment done by a qualified professional. The opinion of a family doctor is not an assessment.
Yes, however some medications used for ADHD would violate the anti-performance enhancing drugs rules that govern most professional sports. A sport cannot prohibit your participation if you have a disorder due to anti-discriminatory laws; it however can prohibit certain drugs.
To wean yourself off of ADHD medication, consult your healthcare professional. It is dangerous with many drugs (including drugs used to treat ADHD) to discontinue use abruptly and can result in withdrawal symptoms. Ask for a lower dose and slowly discontinue use.
Yes, a person with ADHD can go into any profession. People with ADD/ADHD often seem slow, or less intelligent to other people, but that usually isn't the case. It has been found that people with ADD/ADHD often have higher than average intelligence, and with proper management, can be very successful.