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In MLB, that would depend on the player's contract, how long the player has been in the league and how long the player has played with the team that is trying to trade him. A player can negotiate a no trade clause in his contract which would not allow the team to trade him. Of course, the player could choose to waive the no trade clause, usually for compensation from his team, which would allow him to be traded. Any player who has been in MLB for ten full seasons and played with his current team for five full seasons may not be traded without his consent. You might hear these players being referred to as 'ten five' players. If a player does not have a no trade clause in his contract or is not a 'ten five' player, he made be traded without his permission.

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Yes, but he wouldn't be allowed to play for both teams in the same game. But he would be able to, for example, play in a day game for the Royals, then get traded to the Brewers and play a night game in Milwaukee.

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Q: Can a baseball player be traded when they do not want to?
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