Dan Marino retired because of his arm. Dan did no think his legs could take the game of football either. He wanted to retire with the team he played with his whole career.
If you take away the 'the' in the first sentence they are both gramatically fine.
2006 - Notre Dame
if i understand your question correctly,football is not overrated and is liked and watched and played by millions of people and i believe it may someday take over roll as America's past time
lol maybe they have to calculate which angle to take down their apponent by?
When a player on offense is engaged with a defender (already blocking them) and then they drop and take out their legs
In American football, that is when the quarterback is directly behind the center with his hands in position to take the snap.
aim a little higher. take in to account the time it takes to reach the apponent. use when they are moving towards you.
The first step in trussing a turkey is to turn the bird breast side up. Then cross the legs and take kitchen twine and tie it over the legs. Take the first joint of each of the wings and tuck them under the bird.
I take it your meant 4 legs no there are not
Dan Marino retired because of his arm. Dan did no think his legs could take the game of football either. He wanted to retire with the team he played with his whole career.
To get your legs to strengthen by running and running because this is using your muscles and that helps your legs to strengthen.
The legs of insects and the legs of mammals are usually jointed. This does not take into consideration, though, that sharks, whales, and dolphins are also mammals.
alot !! take as much as you can out of football
you take the football.
If you're a player on the field, you run just as fast as your legs will carry you toward the opponent's goal line. If you're a spectator, a cop will be over very soon to take it back.