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Q: Braclet that seems to be around 1939 it says 1839 1939 baseball centennial on the baseball diamond charm along with 2 other charms - a baseball and 2 crossed bats with a baseball value?
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Where can I sell my silver and diamond braclet in charlotte NC?

I bud

What is the best present to give to a fiance for her birthday?

A nice Diamond braclet, or a pair of Diamond earings.

White buoy with orange crossed diamond and black lettering?

An orange crossed diamond and black lettering indicates an area where vessels are prohibited and only swimming is allowed.

What does keep out buoy look like?

white with a crossed diamond

Does braclet with diamond setting mean it has diamonds in it?

Depending on the consumer commerce laws in your country, you should be able to rely on there being real diamonds in a diamond bracelet. Buying items second hand or at auction may differ!

What is a White marker with an orange with a crossed diamond and black lettering?

Crossed diamonds indicate areas off-limits to all vessels such as swimming areas, dams, and spillways.*NOTE that an orange diamond with black lettering within the diamond means a danger exists, such as rocks, shoals, stumps, or dams.

You see a white buoy with an orange crossed diamond. What should you do?

A white buoy with an orange crossed diamond means all boats keep out. A crossed black diamond also means boats should keep out of the area.White marker with an orange diamond having a cross in it is an indication of restricted area where boats are not allowed beyond the buoy. This area might be reserved for swimming or some other purposes.

What should you do with a white buoy with an orange crossed diamond?

Watch out for dangers such as rocks and stumps.

You see a buoy with an orange crossed diamond what should you do?

Watch out for dangers such as rocks and stumps.

What is indicated by a white marker buoy with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering?

Crossed diamonds indicate areas off-limits to all vessels such as swimming areas, dams, and spillways.*NOTE that an orange diamond with black lettering within the diamond means a danger exists, such as rocks, shoals, stumps, or dams.

Where to go to sale your 2 carats diamond braclet?

Depending on where you want to sell it, you have several options, including a private sale, a local jeweler or as a last resort, a pawn shop.

What symbol marks a swimming area?

a human figure in profile in water (wavy line) from the torso up, with an arm raised with elbow bent (like an Australian crawl stroke).