Career wise, that would be Tony Gwynn (1982-2001) with a .338 career average. As of the start of the 2008 season, Gwynn ranks 20th all time in MLB career batting average. For a single season, that would be George Brett (1973-1993) with a .390 average in the 1980 season.
In the history of Major League Baseball as of 2009 there are 202 players with a career batting average of .300 or better.
Riggs Stephenson and Bill Madlock are tied for the Cubs career batting average leader with .336.
Hall of Famer George Brett of the Kansas City Royals won the American League batting title in 1976, 1980, and 1990. He's the only player in baseball history to win the batting title in three differnt decades.
As of the start of the 2009 season, the active MLB player with the highest batting average is Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals at .334. Ichiro Suzuki of the Mariners is second at .331 and Todd Helton of the Rockies is third at .328.The highest all time career MLB batting average is Ty Cobb at .366.Now its Derek jeter in 2009 with .400
Hugh Duffy of the 1894 Boston Beaneaters.
In the history of Major League Baseball as of 2009 there are 202 players with a career batting average of .300 or better.
Jennie Finch, a former professional softball player, had a career batting average of .278.
Riggs Stephenson and Bill Madlock are tied for the Cubs career batting average leader with .336.
This is the baseball player's "batting average" and can be by season or career.
Ted Williams played his final game on September 28, 1960 and finished his 19 year career with a lifetime batting average of .344. The HOF player also hit a career 521 home runs, and 1839 RBI's
Including all player positions, the average NFL career is four seasons.
The highest batting average a player can have is 1.000, which would mean that he would have a hit every time he is at bat. Of course, this wouldn't count the times the batter may have been walked, since walks aren't considered "at-bats" and don't reflect upon his batting average.
sadaharu oh, he hit 868 home runs with a .301 lifetime batting average
David Leadbetter began his career as a golf player. His career as player started on the European and Southern African tours. As player, David Leadbetter, had little success and pursue his career as golf instructor.
As of the start of the 2009 season, the active MLB player with the highest batting average is Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals at .334. Ichiro Suzuki of the Mariners is second at .331 and Todd Helton of the Rockies is third at .328.The highest all time career MLB batting average is Ty Cobb at .366.Now its Derek jeter in 2009 with .400
Hall of Famer George Brett of the Kansas City Royals won the American League batting title in 1976, 1980, and 1990. He's the only player in baseball history to win the batting title in three differnt decades.
mats career started in 1988-89