

Are you working on a cure for CF?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Are you working on a cure for CF?
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What was used in the past to cure Cystic Fibrosis?

So far there is a cure but it was only tested on a pig and rabbit they have tested it on humans but did not fully cure the person because the cf gene is in EVERY DNA cell of your body. So it is not yet practical to get the cure in every DNA cell.(i have cf myself)

What is the treatment for CF?

There is no cure for CF. Treatment has advanced considerably in the past several decades, increasing both the life span and the quality of life for most people

Why is Maci Drewry the only one getting popular if many people have cf?

This i a young girl. Who is not trying tO be a normal cf human. She wants to show the world and everyone that has cf that their not different from any human in the universe. She doesnt want anyone else to DIE cause of cf. She is using her ability to help others. Alot of ppl including me think that she is a wise and smart girl. So ppl like Davis Cleavland want to help her find a cure. She wants to make cf stand for CURE FOUND!

What can cure cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that cannot be cured. However, the drug Kalydeco offers a functional cure to a specific subset of the CF population.

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There is not a cure for leukemia but scientists are still working on finding a cure for this type of cancer.

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No spinocebellar does not have a cure that has been known at the moment but they are working to find a cure for this cruel disease.

How do you cure Cystic Fibrosis?

CF is a genetic disease. It cannot be cured. However, the symptoms from it can vary widely and usually can be managed.

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no, not yet, but they are working to find one!

Does crohns disease have a cure?

Crohn's Disease does not currently have a cure; however, scientists and researchers are working hard to find one!

How long does cystic fibrosis last?

The person who has Cystic Fibrosis has it for life.

What cures Cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that cannot be cured. However, the drug Kalydeco offers a functional cure to a specific subset of the CF population.