the pirates demonstrated that they needed a strong navy
A group of pirates is called a tango of pirates.
There were various nicknames for pirates. British pirates were also called the English Sea Dogs, and various pirates had their own nicknames.
some liked pirates some did not
Pirates are good at robbing and killing people.
the pirates demonstrated that they needed a strong navy
because they had big penis and very strong swords, and very strong cannon and very strong ship and very very very
Strong winds, ice, Japanese pirates and Storms.
needed a strong navy
Ezra Baldwin Strong is a relatively unknown author and there is very limited information available about his published works.
They would either rape them, kill and rob them, force them to work for them or throw them overboard. If they were important they would hold them to ransom.
Pirates created pirates.
it is what pirates do
Are pirates real today? Yes,but not like the pirates like in pirates of the cariben stealing in a sence says your a pirate.
Pirates of the Caribbean
A group of pirates is called a tango of pirates.