Liverpool are the worst team in the whole world, even beating Chelsea in the pile of social mess. That is an achevment
Liverpool are the best football team ever so don't Dis LIVERPOOL THROUGH AND THROUGH
yes i have suported them all my 90 years of life and have worked out they are the best team in englan
the worst team is the Astros they are falling apart
the rubbish team in the world is Liverpool
The answer Chuch Tanner Chuck Tanner coached the Pittsburgh Pirates to a dismal 57-104. Needless to say, he was let go in the following off season. what is the worst team? ever in baseball
Liverpool is the best team ever! I am telling you the truth! Do you want to know who is the worst team is...Manchester United!!
Man u are certainly the worst team in history,liverpool are better
Man u are certainly the worst team in history,liverpool are better
Liverpool are the best football team ever so don't Dis LIVERPOOL THROUGH AND THROUGH
Liverpool FC, the greatest team we will ever know
Man U cause they have shrek other than that Liverpool and Dundee United
they are the worst team ever
Preston north end they r the worst.
The difference is that one could be just picking on someone and the other is that if you say like a football team is bad (Liverpool)
They r the worst team ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
derby. because it was the quickest team to get relegated from the premier leauge.