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only babies

and twats in skirts :L

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Male Greek citizens.

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Q: Ancient olympic games who could take part?
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Where women allowed in ancient olympic games?

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Who took part in Ancient Olympic games?

Citizens of Greek city-states who had the skill and could get themselves to Elis in a no-mechanical transport era.

Who was allowed to take part in the ancient Greek Olympic games?

only men were allowed to take part in it

How old did they have to be to take part in the ancient Olympics?

You had to be 7 or older to compete in the Ancient Greek Olympic games

Where did wrestling orignate from?

Ancient Greece or Rome I think it was part of the olympic games eventually

Which counrties took part in the olympic games?

It varies nowadays. The ancient games were not between countries as we understand them today.

Who can take part in the olympic games?

Only MEN could take part in the Olympic games. And even the ones who did take part had to meet certain qualifications.

Why were the athletes eager to take part in the ancient olympic games?

because the athelets wants in their honour