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Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta are the letters of the police alphabet.

e.g. Alpha=A


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Q: Alpha bravo charie and delta mean?
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Oscar is simply "O" but expressed as part of the phonetic alphabet. For example, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, etc.

What are alpha beta charlie?

Do you mean alpha, bravo, charlie?This would be the NATO phonetic letters. See link.Otherwise, alpha and beta are greek symbols, and charlie is a name.

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Military language for the alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, etc. "Charlie" meant the letter "C", could mean anything over the radio...Cong, Communist, etc.

what does alpha bravo mean?

Alpha and Bravo are code words used in the NATO phonetic alphabet to represent the letters A and B. These code words help to ensure clear communication, especially in situations where letters can be easily confused over the phone or radio.

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if you meant ma chérie it means darling

What is the code letter for 'H' in communications?

If you mean what word represents the letter H in the NATO phonetic alphabet then the answer is Hotel. The letter A is represented by alpha, B by bravo and so on.

What does delta bravo victor hotel mean?

This is what is known as the phonetic alphabet, where letters are spoken as words. It's often used in scenarios such as police chases and in the military where it may be hard to understand or hear what is being said. There is a much better chance of decoding what is being said by the radio operators because of this. In this case, Delta Bravo Victor Hotel means DBVH.

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It is the first letter of the spelled words of the Greek alphabet in order: alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa

What is the word trick that uses words for every letter of another word?

I think what you mean is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet which replaces letters with words used in certain radio and telephony transmissions to avoid misheard letters/words (a=alpha b=bravo c=charlie d=delta etc, etc.) More information about it here: Hope I helped, Joric.

What does bravo mean?

'Bravo' (Spanish) = brave, manly, savage, wild 'Bravo!' (the exclamation) means the same in English and Spanish

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It's an Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity thing. It's a special thing to members only and should not be revealed to anyone on this site, unless you are a member.

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