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Siddartha Gutma (the Buddha) believed he would reach Nirvana, the Buddist version of heaven, because he was Enlightened.

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Q: After Siddharta's death the Buddha believed he would attain?
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Buddha believed that all people could achieve what?

NO! Lord Buddha didn't preach that all the people can attain Nirvana. he taught that if a person has a enough intelligence to understand the 4 noble truth will attain Nirvana. others can practice Buddhism to make their lives better to go to heaven and to refrain from going to hell after death in the next birth.( not permanently)

What were Buddha's achievements?

His achievements for us were that path to the cessation of the cycle of death and rebirth was identified. So suffering and pain could be avoided. For himself his achievment was to attain enlightenment.

What is that difference between the main two branches of Buddhism?

In the Mahayana tradition a follower seeks to attain enlightenment not only for themselves but for the benefit of all sentient beings. These people are referred to as Bodhisattvas. The Mahayana tradition is the largest of the two Buddhist traditions active today. It was started sometime about 400 years after the Buddha's death. One of the great Masters of Mahayana was Nargajuna who taught on emptiness.The Theravada tradition was started after the Third Council after The Buddha's death. This council was held to remove some heretical beliefs and writings from the scriptures that were seeping into the teachings. The Buddha's teachings were written down and approved by this council and is known as the "Teachings of the Elders". The main goal of a Theravadan is to attain Buddha-hood. It is the oldest school and the one most closest to the early Buddhism.The Theravada tradition was started after the Third Council after The Buddha's death. This council was held to remove some heretical beliefs and writings from the scriptures that were seeping into the teachings. The Buddha's teachings were written down and approved by this council and is known as the "Teachings of the Elders". The main goal of a Theravadan is to attain Buddha-hood. It is the oldest school and the one most closest to the early Buddhism.Read more: What_is_the_difference_between_two_main_branches_in_Buddhism

What is the end purpose of following the ways of the Buddha?

The main goal of following the teachings of the Buddha is to attain the Nirvana, the state of freedom from all kinds of suffering. It can also be known as the state of eternal happiness, totally free from birth, old age, illness, death, anger, greed, delusion, etc.

Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana?

The Buddha reached Nirvana when he died (attained Prinirvana) about 2556 years ago. (counting backwards from 2013). Accordingly, the age of Buddhism (the teachings of the Buddha) is often referred to as '2556' years.

Who was the buddha that taught people give all up their desires?

Giving up all desires except for the desire to be enlightened allows your to attain enlightenment which allows you to enter Nirvana on your death (escaping the cycle of death and rebirth). This last step is an option, some enlightened beings choose to return to the cycle of death and rebirth to aid others to become enlightened.

How did Buddhism change after the Buddha death?

Buddhism change after the Buddha death- his followers developed many different interpretations of his teachings . Although Buddha forbidden people to worship him, some began to teach that he was a god.

How did Buddhism grow after the Buddha died?

After the death of Buddha, the followers spread the religion. And kept expanding and growing.

Can you become Buddha?

Eventually, through uncounted cycles of death and rebirth, we all will become enlightened and a buddha. The beauty of Buddhism is that enlightenment s not reserved for the "elect" as in Christianity but is attainable for all - no one left behind. As to whether you can "become" a Buddha by hard work and intense study any quicker than by a slow acceptance of the guidance of the Eightfold Path, this is the subject of Zen stories which indicate obsessive desire to attain a goal impedes the ease of attaining it.

Was Buddha a leader of something?

The historic Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was a Prince and would have been ruler of his country on his fathers death.

How old was Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke at death?

Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke died on September 7, 1809 at the age of 72.

Why does Socrates say that true philosophers seek death?

Socrates believed that true philosophers seek death because they are focused on seeking wisdom and knowledge. They see death as a release from the constraints of the physical world and a way to attain a purer form of existence. By embracing death, they can transcend the limitations of the body and continue their pursuit of truth in the afterlife.