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Nikola Tesla

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Q: A device for transmitting long and short currents over wires was invented by?
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Who invented A device for transmitting long and short currents over wires?

Samuel Morse

Why was the nikola coil invented?

Direct current had disabilites as a very short range in power. Alternate current could be carried very far but Tesla invented his coil with the intention of transmitting electricity through the air.

Who invented the teleprompter?

The teleprompter was invented in 1950 by Fred Barton JR. The device was a created after the need to memorize large amounts of text in short periods of time arouse.

Where are short distance surface currents located?

On the surface

What does AM and FM on the radio stand for?

Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation. They are different methods of transmitting radio signals. AM is good for transmitting radio signals long distance FM is good for transmitting radio signals short distances but better quality

Why was bluetooth invented?

Bluetooth was invented by a group on engineers from Ericsson in 1994. Many believe the main reason for its invention was to create a device that didn't use much energy.Bluetooth is a wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances.

What does a ground fault circuit interrupter look like inside picture wise?

A mechanical switching device, capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions. Also capable of making and carrying for a specified time and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as those of a short circuit.

What is unsymmetrical current?

it means those currents those are short circuit.

When was edison's telephone invented?

Edison did NOT invent the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell is credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone. It was a short-range phone meaning its cabling was short in distance and thus did not incur any meaningful resitance Bell was the first to obtain a patent, in 1876, for an "apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically

What are the devices of a short story?

a device

What is short invention?

i think it is a device

Lietrary device are in a short story?

Literary devices of a short story