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Q: 6'5 tall and weighs 140 pounds to bar is 5'9 tall and weighs 140 pounds is 4'9 tall and weighs 130 pounds who is underway or normal or overweight?
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Is a 4-11 tall 11 year old who weighs 91 pounds overweight normal or under?

An 11 year old boy or girl who stands 4'11" and weighs 91 pounds is at normal weight. This gives a BMI of 18.4.

7th grader and weighs 92 pounds are you overweight?

not at all in fact that is normal dont worry about ur weight at ur age

I am 131 pounds and 5'3 am i overweight?

pssshhh, i know this girl, who is my best friend, who is 14 and weighs 503.3 pounds. you are the farthest thing from overweight. pssshhh, i know this girl, who is my best friend, who is 14 and weighs 503.3 pounds. you are the farthest thing from overweight.

Is an 8 year old boy who weighs 114 pounds overweight?

Yes. A healthy weight for an 8 year old boy would be about 55-80 pounds. It depends on your height though. If you were 4'2 then you would be overweight at 114 pounds, but if you were 5'1 you would be normal.

I am 13 106 pounds and 5'6 and all my friends are skinnier than me. Am I overweight?

I am 13 5'8 and weigh 120 pounds. You are a perfect weight. My sister is 11 and 5'6 and weighs 120 pounds. She is a normal weight.So are you.

Is a 13 year old girl overweight if she is 5'2 and weighs 136 pounds?

I weight that amount! My doctor says, we are on the boarder of being overweight and normal so a healthy diet and regular excersize you shall begin!

Is a 14-year-old overweight if she is 5'6 and weighs 140 pounds?

no because im 14 and 5'3 and 170 pounds.

Is a 14 year old girl considered overweight if she weighs over 160 pounds?

Unless she's really tall that would be overweight.

Is a 12 year old girl overweight when she weighs 96 pounds?

In my opinion, 96 pounds is too skinny. If there is a technical definition of overweight, then I am sorry, I'm not sure.i belive its 110 is right.

Would a 4'11 ten year old male who weighs 110 pounds be overweight?


I am a female that is 14 going on 15 I am about 5'3 and weigh around 110 pounds am i overweight or fat?

A female who is 14 years old and going on 15 that is 5'3" tall and weighs 110 pounds is not fat or overweight.

Is an 4'8 10-year-old girl too skinny if she weighs 60 pounds?

NO!!!! you are a bit overweight really. if you lose at lest 10 pounds you will be okay!!!