

2009 Yankees vs red socks record?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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9-9 brahh

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Q: 2009 Yankees vs red socks record?
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Boston the Yankees have a brand new stadium

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The Red sox and Yankees finished 9 wins and 9 losses between each other in 2009, despite the Red Sox winning the first 8 meetings.

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They're okay, but the best team is the Yankees.

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Max Manning was on the Yankees but then he quite and then was on the red socks.

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In 2009 the Boston Red Socks hit 212 home runs

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The Red Sox win-loss record against the Yankees in 2008 was 9-9.

How many home runs did the Boston red socks hit in the year 2009?

In 2009 the Boston Red Socks hit 212 home runs

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In 2010, the Yankees had a 9-9 record versus the Boston Red Sox.

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The record between the Red Sox and the Yankees in the 2013 regular season was such that the Yankees won the season with a score of 13-5. Red Sox finished last.

Since the year 2000 what is the redsox vs yankkes record?

In a year by year breakdown, 2009 Red Sox 8 Yankees 0; 2008 Tie at 9 wins each; 2007 Red Sox 8 Yankees 10; 2006 Red Sox 8 Yankees 11, 2005 Red Sox 9 Yankees 11; 2004 Red Sox 11 Yankees 8; 2003 Red Sox 9 Yankees 10; 2002 Red Sox 9 Yankees 10; 2001 Red Sox 5 Yankees 13; 2000 Red Sox 6 Yankees 7.

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The Red Sox and Yankees played 18 times in 2007. The Yankees won 10 and the Red Sox won 8.

Who won the first five games in the Yankees vs red sox regular seasons series for 2008?

the Yankees went three for five in the first five regular season Yankees v red socks games of 2008.