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I'm not sure about your nipples being sore but Depo provera is probably one of the worst birth controls to take. It is very effective, and in fact too effective. Studies have shown that after stopping Depo Provera, you can go for up to 5 years without having another period. So if you ever plan on being pregnant eventually, this is not the Birth Control to take. I highly recomend seeing your OBGYN and talking to them about the situation.

--Hi, i had my first and last shot on may 2008, and it was my last one because of the horrible side effects: crazy mood swings, irregular spotting, etc. Recently like..3 days ago I've been having really sore breasts and nipples! the nipples were the ones to throw me off because i never experienced anything like this before! It doesn't feel like how it used to. I was scared i was pregnant also, but i read that sore nipples are a side effect of coming off depo provera. Do you still have sore nipples??

-Hello, today is June 11th and i got my depo shot April 26th. I also didnt not get a period yet, not even a sign of spotting. I called my doctor and she said it could have worked faster than usual and stopped my period all together. some people get spotting other don't, that's also what my bfs doctor said. i took a pregnancy test and both came back negative. i am going to take one in a week just to make sure. My nipples hurt right now, have for thr past few days. ive also had minor cramps. this usually happened when i was getting my period before my depo shot. this is mt first injection.

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Q: Why are my nipples sore but I still have not started my period two months after i stopped using depo provera?
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Does stopping depo provera cause breast tenderness?

Yes. I had this and my ob/gyn told me it was totally normal.Im not to sure..all i know is after my 3 months where up my nipples started to hurt

If you stopped taking Depo-Provera 4 months ago and started your first period is it normal for it to last 2 weeks and have a brownish color?

Yes. I was on Depo for approximately 10 years with NO period and then to the pill for about a year with controlled periods. I have since stopped taking ANY type of birth control and have had long 2 week periods and even two full periods a month. It will eventually regulate if not ask Dr. about Provera.

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How is Depo-Provera used?

Depo Provera is a hormonal medication that is given by injection every three months

Can a person conceive a baby after not having a menstrual cycle for 20 months due to Depo-Provera birth control injections?

Once the injections are stopped, periods should return and then you can get pregnant.

Can you have a Depo-Provera injection once a month?

No, Depo Provera is given about every three months, not every month.

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i need an answer

How soon does Depo-Provera take to get out of your system?

about 3 months

How long does it take your body to regulate after stopping provera?

It can take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate after stopping provera. This doesn't mean that you won't menstruate in that time, but there may be a lot of irregularity for the first few months.

Why would you have periods every two weeks when you have been off Depo-provera shot for about nine months?

i was on the shot for 6yrs. w/no period. after i stopped doing the shot it took about nine months for it to return, only to have the same problem. every two weeks i get a period. not fun! so i am looking for an answer too

If you stopped using depo and that month you got a one-day period and then two months later you haven't started when will you get your normal period?

I was also on depo. And they say it can take up to 12 to 18 months to get your cycle back and normal. It was 6 months, and I didn't have a period after, since i was trying to get pregnant, my doc gave me provera hormone pill to regulate my cycle and start ovulating. If you were on depo for a long time and didn't have a period during that time, you may need a hormone pill to jump start things down there and get regulated again. I also started having pregnancy symptoms, before i got my period back, lower back and hip pain, nausea, couldn't sleep, very sore breasts and nipples, they told me my body was going through withdrawl of the depo. It also happened to my friend.

Is It ok to bleed for 3 months and then spot for a day and then not have any bleeding anymore after that on your first injection of the Depo-Provera?

It may be inconvenient, but it's very typical on depo provera