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athletes that aren't very good.

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Q: What sports would you use stimulants in?
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How do people use stimulants it help them improve in sports?

There are several stimulants used in sports the most common would be caffiene, which simply makes one hyper and "pumped" to play. i dont recomand doing this because caffiene make one dehydrated and is bad if one is playing sports. to sum up people use chemiclas like caffiene to make them pumped and ready for a game.

What athlete has used stimulants?

Honestly, in any sport practically. Are the stimulants legal? Some are, but most of them aren't. Today, given the extreme competitiveness of sports, practically athletes in all sports take stimulants to help them gain an advantage. Source: I took a course in Sports Literature at my school.

What is a major problem that is typically caused by the extensive use of stimulants?

One of the major effects of long lasting use of stimulants is Intense Depression.

What drug category would adderall be considered?

Class II NarcoticAmphetaminesClass II NarcoticAmphetamines

Can the use of stimulants promote the delusion of overconfidence?


Why do athletes take stimulants?

some athletes use stimulants to feel more awake and feel as if it increases there indurance. also use to help them loose weight.

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Which of th following is true statement about the use of antidepressant medication and the treatment of ADHD?

Though they are not as effective as stimulants, they are useful when stimulants don't work

Why would you use stimulants in cycling?

To perk you up when the ride has gone on long enough so that your body's natural resources have been depleted.

What are the names of some sports where stimulants are used by athletes?

th babseball team call the mets and the football team call the dolphins

Are antibiotics stimulants?

No, antibiotics are not stimulants.