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It all depends on the sport. Different sports have different rules and regulations involving drugs (which are illegal and legal). If the drug happens to be illegal in the sport, disciplinary action will be taken and suspension will probably be the outcome.

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Q: What happens if you are caught taking drugs in sport?
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What are the punishments in sport for taking drugs?

the "punishment" for taking any type of band drugs can range from a number of games suspend to being band from the sport ...

How does taking drugs affects doing sport?

Drugs effect your body in ways like making it harder to breathe and giving you muscle damage.

Why should athletes be banned from there sport if they get caught doing drugs?

It could improve the way they play without real talent

Are athletes taking drugs to increase sport performance?

Yes, but to do that is Illegal and foolish. Drugs are a way to "cheat" on the natural development of muscular strength and stamina.

What are affect drugs in sport?

The effect of drugs in sport can be categorised in to three as follows: (1) Drugs that are 'body building' (i.e. improves power and strength) (2) Drugs that enhance the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (i.e. improves endurance) (3) Drugs that steady the heart rate (improves your aim in shooting and archery) (4) Drugs that mask (hide) the use of other drugs (5) Drugs that stimulate the brain and nervous system (improves attention span, concentration, motivation) Athletes are sometimes also caught taking banned recreational drugs. Sport governing bodies across the world impose stiff penalties on sports men and women who engage in attempts to boost athletic performance by using drugs.

How will drugs and alchol affect your sports training and performances?

taking in alcohol while doing a sport can make you sleepy during the sport and lowers your inbitoins doing drugs can be a distraction making you tired and messing with your heart rate.

What happens to athletes that get caught for taking drugs?

If an athlete gets caught with steroids or other banned performance enhancing drugs, he/she would get disqualified from whatever they were taking part in, stripped of previous medals and in some cases arrested.... The doctors caught giving athletes steroids sometimes have go through criminal persecution.

How many people have died from using drugs in sport?

Not many. Most of them just get caught using a drug

what is sport drugs?


How does drugs affect your sport?

Drugs slower the nervous system.

How do you get disqualified from curling?

I'm not sure what you mean. I imagine that if you were caught cheating, or doing drugs, or anything like that, your team would be disqualified just like any Olympic sport.

What are some options of how to say no to drugs?

Actually the best way to back out and say no, but not looking soft is if you are sporty to say that you take your sport way too seriously to ruin your chance by taking drugs, i hope that helps.