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No, its not a good idea.

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Q: Is it safe to play sports after getting a vaccine?
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Is H1N1 vaccine safe for kids?

That vaccine isn't available yet but it should be safe for people of all ages.

Is cholera vaccine safe?

Yes. I have had it.

Should women be able to play sports while pregnant?

If we talk tennis or golf it's safe but if we talk team sports where you risk bumping into people and fall, that would not be safe.

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i think they would enjoy watching them play sports i do but if u are worried about slipping up then better safe than sorry :)

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Hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective on 50 percent of all patients who are vaccinated.

Is it safe to have flu vaccine after sacroiliac facet joint injection?

Whether or not it is safe to have a vaccine or not should be discussed with a physician. The answer depends on the specifics of your medical condition.

Is it safe to play sports with a high temperature?

Yes according to me if you can play, you can. If you play your temperature will not be high. But the only problem is that we cant as our body will be weak.

Is it safe to participate in sports right after getting a nose piercing?

Participating in Sports After a Nose PiercingIt depends what type of sport but i would suggest that you do not play basketball or netball until you've had your piercing for a couple of weeks-others like running swimming and football ar fine.

If you just got your eyebrow professionally pierced in how long would it be safe to go to the gym and play sports?

Maintain your cleaning and tape the barbell down and go play, just be sure to clean the piercing after sports.

Is it safe to play sports right after sex because the last i did it i felt sick?

yes it is gets u more active

Should teens get the Human Papillomavirus HPV vaccine?

Yes teens should get the vaccine unless they have a medical condition that prevents it from being safe.

Is it safe to get pregnant after the first dose of cervical cancer vaccine?

If you have cervical cancer then nothing is safe. You will die if it is not treated.