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No sports allow steroids they prefer it as cheating

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4y ago

Yes. Strongman, Bodybuilding and certain powerlifting federations are “untested” and allow Steriod use. Bodybuilding specifically has a less popular “natural” division since the standard is using PEDs.

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Q: Do any sports allow steroids
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What sports are steroids banned from?

Clearly all sports. No sports allow use of steroids.

Are steroids good in sports?

Steroids are not good in sports because they could harm you and are drugs. You should never use drugs.

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Is it fair to use steroids in sports?

No, it is not.

Was Serena Williams on steroids?

I would bet that many sports personalities are on steroids or something similar.

In what sport are steroids mostly used?

Data on anabolic steroid use in sports is hard to come by as they are banned in most sports. But there are many different types of steroids so they are used in a broad spectrum of sports. Steroids that help with endurance can be used in sports like distance running and swimming. Steroids assoisciated with strength will be used in sports such as weightlifting and wrestling. Others are used to increase muscle size and mass, these would be used in sports like bodybuilding. So in answer to your question anabolic steroids are commonly used in many sports and are not more highly assosciated with any one sport in particular.

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Steroid fines are $10,000

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Are there any alternatives to steroids?

No there isn't any healthy alternatives to steroids

Why are anabolic steroids banned in sports?

Anabolic steroids have been banned from sports because they provide an unfair advantage, but mostly because of the health risks. The potential risks to health include heart conditions, liver damage, reproductive problems, and psychiatric disorders.