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Not necessarily.

Clemens had watched as Bonds, Sosa, McGwire ,and Palmiero all went to testify to Congress and how many of them ended up with perjury investigations - or were embarassed into admitting use.

It's hard to believe that knowing all of this ahead of time, that Clemens would "demand" a chance to approach Congress and not just fight it in his Civil Suit.

Others have performed similiarly at his age. including his idol - Nolan Ryan. So has Randy Johnson.

IN 2004, Clemens earned his 2nd lowest ERA of his career at the age of 44. He is not accused of using anything in this year, so its assumed he was clean. His second best ERA was with Boston - where most of his best years (performance wise) were spent...

IN the end, there are medical reports, MRIs and Doctor testimony which supports Roger Clemens--not Brian McNamee.

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15y ago

no he didnt he used banned vitamins

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Q: Did arod use steroids
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I reckon you should not use steroids. It is very bad for you and your body. Just think of it this Way you can use steroids and end up with problems in the long run or you just don't use steroids at all

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I don't think that steroids are safe or legal for any one to use.

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