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Hi. I have an 8 month old daughter who was prescribed Amoxycillin and is on children's panadol as she is teething. apparently it is ok to mix the two as panadol is not an antibiotic. I would definitely recommend you give your GP a call if you have any concerns though. Hope your little one gets better soon!

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Paracetamol (which is sold under the Panadol brand, but is identical in all medications containing paracetamol) in doses designed for children, and other child-suitable over-the-counter medication, is fine in doses as recommended on the packaging, and only for the period of time recommended, unless you know your child has some medical reason not to take that medication.

Once you feel medication needs to continue or dosage needs to increase beyond the instructions, you must see a doctor to ensure there is no underlying cause for your child's symptoms which might need quite different treatment.

Never mix medication of any type, for adults or children, except on the advice of a doctor, and never give adult medication to a child. Simply cutting down an adult dose with the idea of medicating a child can be dangerous.

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Q: Can you give a 2 year old panadol and cough medicine at the same time?
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