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It possible but requires a lot of effort to do so.

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Q: Can you compete in bodybuilding contests and win without using steroids?
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Is anabolic steroids legal?

Anabolic steroids ARE LEGAL IF OBTAINED THROUGH AN AUTHORIZED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS WRITTEN PRESCRIPTION. Anabolic Steroids become illegal when they are purchased illicitly without a medical prescription for use. Even if an individual has a medical need for it, without a prescription it is a felony in the United States. Within the bodybuilding community the term "legl steroids" refers to some products use that contain chemical ingredients that can be molecularly modified versions of a specific anabolic steroid. Reviews say the products offer the same muscle building effects but without the side effects. These products ride the fine legal line, but the ingredients are all 100% legal.

i have wheezing and breathing problems , how do i cure them without steroids?

how do i cure wheezing and breathing problems without steroids and or an inhaler..

Can you use testosterone instead of steroids?

Testosterone is the cornerstone of steroids. Alone, it's OK, but steroids without testosterone is bad.

Is it possible to build good body by heavy weight program without using bodybuilding supplements?

Supplements are essential but not mandatory for bodybuilding. If you supply 1g of quality protein per pound of bodyweight daily and train hard, then it is absolutely possible. Remember, Arnold did not have the fancy supplements of today. *edit by another user - Arnold admits he took steroids, please don't use him as your role model.

What type of steroids can you buy in stores?

It's illegal to buy them from stores or drug stores without prescription. Altough there are countries where steroids are sold without a prescription.

How do you get a 6 pack without sterodios?

take steroids

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Is it possible to get Triple H's size without using steroids?

Yes it is possible. I don't Think he has been using steroids :)

Does the wrestler Triple H use steroids?

Of course he has. Look at the evidence of his gynecomastia surgery. You don't get excessive breast tissue without an overload of androgens in your system. Not regularly he has taken it in 2001 when he tore a quad muscle other than that he does not take them to get bigger.

What is the atomic ratio of steroids?

I do not know find out without cheating!

It is illegal to use anabolic steroids without a prescription?

Depending on the length of use, the side effects of the steroid can be irreversible. Anabolic steroids are also illegal without prescription in Australia, Argentina.

Where are steroids legal?

From country to country there are different laws in place governing the sales and distribution of steroids. Most all steroids in the united states are prescription with the exception of certain cortisone steroid creams which are over-the-counter (otc) status. Having Anabolic steroids in your possession without a prescription in the united states is a felony and they are classified as a schedule 3 controlled substance.ex. United kingdom: Anabolic steroids are LegalIn order to correctly answer your question more accurately I'd need you to be more specific as to what kind of steroids, and what how are you defining "legal"? There are a few types of steroids such as cortisone, prednisone,anti inflammatory or anabolic androgenic steroids. Most steroids require not only a legitimate medical use, but a legitimate doctor's prescription. After those 2 requirements have been met, purchase, use and posession would be considered legal. The term "legal steroids" is also used in the bodybuilding community to make reference to a unique group of supplements/chemicals that can be legally obtained, used and posessed. Most of these legal steroids are "clones" or molecularly enhanced derivitives of an original anabolic steroid. Google, Yahoo and even youtube has a wealth of information on this subject.