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mainly urine which is very healthy to drink. it improves sports performance levels but may have some side affects like vomiting and if you are very unlucky death.

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Q: Most intravenous fluids ordered by physicians are?
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What does the medical abbreviation iv mean?

Intravenous. It is where a liquid with medicinal properties is injected directly into the veins, so that it can be naturally circulated throughout the body. It is the fastest and most effective way to deliver fluids throughout the body.IV therapy stands for Intravenous (within a vein) therapy.

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While most small bowel blockages can be treated with the administration of intravenous (IV) fluids and decompression of the bowel by the insertion of a nasogastric (NG) tube, surgical intervention is necessary in approximately 25% of.

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The most common cause of upper respiratory symptoms are viruses. Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics. Physicians usually recommend rest, fluids and time to allow symptoms resolve.

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An intravenous line is inserted into a vein in the patient's arm to administer, in most cases, a sedative and a painkiller.

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depends what fluids, but all industries use some sort of fluids in most proccesses

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What does the medical abbreviation IVCS mean?

Intravenous Conscious Sedation is the most likely meaning.

What will you do if there is an outbreak of cholera?

You will inform the district health authority. You will proceed the village with your staff, drugs including intravenous fluids and bleaching powder bags. You will take the help of the people to collect the patients to one place, usually the school. They are to be lifted, with the cot, from their house only. Your sanitary inspector will proceed to disinfect the water sources including the wells. You will put the patient on cholera cot (if available) and start intravenous Ringer's lactate solution to every patient with help of nursing staff. It is very easy to manage the cholera epidemic in isolated area. Once the vomiting stops, you can use the oral re-hydration solution to save on your intravenous fluids. You can not over load the patient with oral re-hydration fluid. That should be the most satisfying experience to manage the cholera epidemic, specially when you are doing your internship.

What country has the most number of physicians per capital?
