Nothing short of surgery. Unless it is a MAJOR problem- ignore it. Most guys are somewhat lopsided. As long as everything works, it is not a problem. Really.
why are you lopsided in the first place? How can you even eat when you should worry about how you became lopsided in the first place!
no! you should get that checked! im sure that's like very sick and unhealthy
All navel piercings are crooked to some extent. Now if yours is completely lopsided then it would be best to take it out and get it repierced.
The board looked very lopsided when I walked into the classroom.
The trailer was unevenly packed, and so it looked lopsided on the road.
The doctor can fix that.
Suck ma penis, that's how you fix it.
The word 'lopsided' is an adjective describing a noun as leaning to one side; lacking balance, symmetry, or proportion. Example sentence: The trailer was unevenly packed and it looked lopsided.
Peter pans litlle penis
The penis head is supposed to be nice and soft! It is not a problem.
No as it will not harm your sex life in anyway.