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No you can not be pregnant as your periods have come. The nipple could be sore as your partner might have hurt it.

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Q: Your nipples are sore when you touch them Everything else is fine your trying to conceive the only thing that's different is your nipples and period has already came am i Pregnant?
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No she can not conceive another baby if there is already one in there. The only way that there would be two babies was if they were twins.

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No it should make no difference at all as a matter of fact it is a wonder that you are not pregnant already.

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No, once you become pregnant, your uterus is inaccessable by anything that small. You would have to break open the placenta to even implant anything, and in doing that you would probably kill the child that is already in there.

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That all depends on what day in your cycle you are ovulating on and what day you had sex on. Check out this article to find out more information about trying to conceive:

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There is a very slight chance. With pregnancy, there are always exceptions to everything.

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Its been recorded that a woman did indeed get pregnant while she was already pregnant, but I think it was due to the fact that she had two uteruses.

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No, you cannot.

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If you ovulate and you're already pregnant, consult your doctor. It will make an interesting case-study.

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No, she is already pregnant.

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Ummm no...she is not pregnant she already has kids