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This is a sign of early pregnancy. A missed period is the best way to know though

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Q: Your nipples are sore to the touch which is not normal for you could you be pregnant?
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What does it mean when your nipples are sore and really tender to touch and are 9 days overdue for period?

That u could very possibly be pregnant

What causes sore nipples you are not pregnant and you cycle is not coming on nipples are always sore?

Your question doesn't really make complete sense, but if you are asking what causes sore nipples, other than pregnancy, then I have one answer. Sometimes, a week or two before my menstrual cycle, my nipples are very sore to the touch. If your cycle is not coming, it could be the result from stress. I remember being stressed so bad, my period was delayed a week and three days. So it's perfectly normal for your nipples to be sore, especially if it's close to your monthly.

What do the nipples of a pregnant cat look like?

The nipples of a pregnant cat may become more prominent, larger, and darker in color. Additionally, they may feel firmer to the touch as the cat's body prepares for nursing.

Could you get pregnant it someone touches you?

It rather depends on what they touch you with and where they touch you.

How can you touch your nipples?

with your hands

You had a period last month for a day then spotted for four now your nipples are sore to the touch could you possibly be pregnant?

the best way to know is by taking a hpt--because the reason i said that cuz pms symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are alike so its hard to tell if you're pregnant or not--

Where should you touch a girl?

the nipples. for sure

I am sixteen years old and my nipples haven't harden yet is that normal?

Well by you saying that your nipples don't stick out I assume that you do have nipples. Not every woman's nipples stick out. It is like a belly button. Most are innies and some are outies. Some women have inverted nipples. It is really nothing you can change though. It is just a unique part of your body.

What place on the torso is most sensitive to touch?


Does casey touch guys?

yh casey gates does touch men with hairy nipples

Are women's nipples supposed to become hard?

If you mean that they are always erect it is normal and nothing wrong with you.

Why are your nipples sore to touch but not your breasts?

Because your nipples are small and the breasts are larger with less nerve endings spread out