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Smaller. If the wire isn't right around the bottom of your breast or if it's too low on your ribcage then there is really no point in wearing it because your boobs will still bounce and the point of a bra is to keep them from bouncing.

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Q: Your bra is too low on your ribcage and your bra wire is not right up against your breast Should you be wearing a smaller or larger cup?
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I don't believe so. But it may make your breasts look a little larger

Is a 32a bigger than a 32aa?

No. 38A has a smaller cup size but a larger ribcage (it's a measure of the length around your chest), while 32B has a larger cup size but a smaller ribcage. 38A is a fatter person with smaller breasts than 32B, whos skinier with bigger boobs

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Ideally you should be able to clearly see their waist from the side and above. You should also be able to feel, but not see, their ribcage.

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If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.

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If you mean as in a ballet "Word" for it there is no word. If you mean what they want you to do when they say that, they mean to bring back your shoulders a little; inhaling helps you get this open ribcage position. They also mean as in having an upright upper body in good form; your spine should be straight. If you have ever been told how to sit properly with your upper body it's like that. No slouching or crunching in- that's a closed ribcage.

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What age should a girl be wearing a bra?

I think it should be when you have a 'chest' and you need one. I need to start wearing one and I'm 10.