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Not to scare you, but inflammatory breast disease? Seek a second opinion and don't stop till someone figures it out.

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Q: You have been seeing a doctor about swollen left breast with pain No one can find anything wrong with your breast but recently your left arm is very sore and your breast is throbbing what could this b?
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Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.

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My breast typically hurt about a week or so before my period is due, but i have heard that swollen or tender breast can be signs of pregnancy.

Breast swollen is a sign of pregnancy?

Can be. Can also be a sign of ovulation and that you are pre-menstrual.

What does it mean if your breast hurt but you are not pregrant?

Probably swollen glands, Mastitus or hormones.

Is the milk comes from a single hole in a breast?

No there are glands in the breast and your horomones start the production of the milk if you feel your breast they may feel knotty that's the swollen glands.

How do you soften women breast?

The breasts are how they are. During menstruation they can get swollen but a normal breast is never hard. If she has implant she needs to speak to her surgeon.

Can excessive pressing of breast causes breast cancer?

If the breasts are pressed gently there are no chances of any harm being done to her.

What are some Home remedies for swollen breast full of milk if you're not breast feeding?

Suck /massage the nipplie until it flows out. Downside they can get bigger.