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How could it not be? Something in your body snapped!

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Q: Why would a broken leg be justification for sitting out a soccer game?
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Broken legs during tennis?

Broken legs in basket ball? Broken legs in football? Broken legs in baseball? Broken legs in soccer? Broken legs in volleyball? Although I am not a doctor, I would suggest to try to keep off your broken legs while they mend. That means no more mountain climbing for you. Sorry.

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What is justification?

Justification is a written reason for why you made a statement. For example if you say a figure is a Square then you would say something like the diagonals are both congruent and perpendicular to each other.

What is the moral justification for free markets?

I would like to know

Is human trafficking an example of cultural relativism?

The justification of it would be.

What is the difference between sitting on and sitting at?

Sitting on usually indicates you are on something, while at would be near or beside it. So if were on a table, you would be sitting on the table. If you were on a chair beside the table, you would be sitting at the table. Sitting at can also refer to a time something is happening, like: "The parliament is sitting at 2pm".

Does religion exempt you from paying child support?

In the United States it does not. It would be difficult to think of any justification for religion to exempt someone from supporting their own children.In the United States it does not. It would be difficult to think of any justification for religion to exempt someone from supporting their own children.In the United States it does not. It would be difficult to think of any justification for religion to exempt someone from supporting their own children.In the United States it does not. It would be difficult to think of any justification for religion to exempt someone from supporting their own children.

What does it mean when a guy pulls you close when we're sitting and he's putting one arm on your back even though he has a girlfriend?

He is a player and is a cheat. I would say something like " I don't think your girlfriend would like you sitting here with me" and move away from him. This fellow will give you a broken heart. Stay away from him.

What would an avid soccer player be most likely to do?

An avid soccer player would be most likely to play soccer.

Why you like being a soccer coach?

I would be a soccer coach cause I like soccer

How can you improvement on your soccer?

A true soccer player would improve in soccer by practicing dribbling, skills, punting (goalkeepers), throw-ins, traps, Maradonna, everything that the sport soccer uses, or what you would you use in soccer.

Would you play soccer if you have a broken toe?

No, Because you can get injured again.Probably, Because if you don't feel it then you can play i guess.Yes, Because if you can't feel anything that means you can play.Pick an answer.Pick the right answer.Guess!