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Through out your pregnancy the lactating glands were spontaneously working in preparing milk for your Baby... that is why your breast were very large and tender during pregnancy... Now after birth when you have started feeding your baby the breasts will come to its normal size which you will feel like suddenly it has become very small....

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Q: Why do breasts become small after childbirth?
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if your far and have small breasts it means that not much fat I'd getting into your breasts

Can touching of your wife breast after childbirth leads to no pregnancy?

Touching or not touching her breasts will not affect her ability to get pregnant at all.

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Your breasts do not change after marriage. They get bigger during pregnancy, saggier with age and after childbirth.

What makes older women's breasts get so fat?

Older women's breasts do not get "fat" as much as it would seem. Instead, decreasing hormones affect connective tissue, making breasts sag more. A history of childbirth, breast-feeding, and gravity also pull the breasts downward. ALL females and even males face sagging breasts as they age! As well, fibrous breast tissue feels more dense; almost all women develop some fibrous breast tissue, especially after pregnancy and childbirth.

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not necessarily

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Girls may have small breasts but they are still girl breasts.

If your breasts grow slow does it mean that you will have small breasts?

Not exactly

Do you have to have small breasts to be a model?


Are breasts small?

Some are big and some are small

How big do your breasts have to be to model?

Plenty of models have small breasts. It's the overall beauty of the person, not the size of the breasts.