Mammograms and ultrasounds only detect cancerous lumps.. or lumps that have cancer.
Mammograms and Ultrasounds can detect benign lumps/masses in the breast, Mammograms are unable to distinguish the difference if something is solid or cystic, so an ultrasound is used in conjunction with a mammogram.
you cant lol
uhhh your baby is a zombie
Yes, an ultrasound will see the growth of the fetus and usually if they see the size of it, they can determine how old the little one is. Congratulations by the way!
Look at her from the side. If your talking about nipples, if she has a padded bra, you cant.
No. She cant. Most of her size comes from water weight.
Because the phone is bluetooth capable
not hardly . that's something u get the hospital .. very stupid ? .. There are actually websites that will make fake ultrasound pictures, with a persons' personal details on it, Google it,, it can be done!!
NEVER!!!! you cant get any cancer by wearing a bra!
you cant sorry :( guess your gonna have to be flat chested forever .
good question. and no it cant.
its possible.