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The nipple tissue on both men and women has smooth muscle tissue. This is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle in the nipples can contract (or relax). Under the autonomic nervous system, the nipples of both men and women (but more so with women) react to:

  1. cold temperatures, which can cause an almost painful 'erection' of the nipple and contraction of the areola; (warmth, even a forearm across the breasts, can counteract the cold) -- This can occur immediately after a hot shower when cooler air hits the body; when going out on a cold day; opening a refrigerator at home or a refrigerated unit in a store; or getting too cold while sleeping.
  2. friction, such as against loose fitting clothing (without a bra for females), or the friction of bed sheets or blankets
  3. for women especially, friction from the arm on the dominant side repeating brushing against or rubbing against the breast on the same side (so a right-handed woman can irritate the right breast), such as doing repetitive written handwriting or typing on a computer; dealing cards; stirring a pot of food; scrubbing a floor by hand, etc.
  4. sexual stimulation, which includes: touching; friction such as being rubbed during sexual foreplay; licking; sucking (and over-stimulation; too much of these actions)
  5. for women who are breastfeeding

Early morning nipple responses and soreness in the morning can be reduced by:

  1. protection against cold, even crossing the arms across the chest; a towel after a shower; warm clothing and coat when its cold outside
  2. females wearing a sports bra to sleep in
  3. males wearing a T-shirt to sleep in
  4. tucking sheet or blanket under the arms
  5. lack of loose clothing across the chest
  6. taking breaks from handwriting; typing; card dealing; cooking chores, scrubbing motions
  7. being willing to tell a sexual partner to reduce the stimulation
  8. for breastfeeding, following proper breastfeeding techniques and wearing a supportive nursing bra
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9y ago
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11y ago

Sometimes it can be a sign you are aroused and it can also be that you are cold. Sometimes there is no reason.

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Jean Marie SH

Lvl 2
4y ago

Possible Hotmonal.Low and Fluctuating Estrogens as in Menopause.

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