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If you have a infection you will need antibiotics. Speak to your doctor.

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Q: Which ointment is good for pus in nipple?
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If you have white pus coming out near your nipple but not on you nipple what might it be?

montgomery glands

Who has a green pus filled nipple?


What does white pus like discharge from a inverted nipple mean?

A white pus discharge from any nipple in a man is very serious because it could be a tumor. The discharge may not be pus and could be normal discharge if from a woman. Although, if it is pus, it could be a sign of breast cancer.

Why would green pus be coming out of your nipple?

You have an infection is most likely

What does it mean when the bumps around your nipple produce a lot of pus?

Pus is normally a sign of infection. You should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Does milk come from a pimple?

no it comes from a nipple, but people concentrate it enough to where its basically pus

How is pus good?

Pus is not good its an infection.

Should you use a and d ointment on a nipple piercing?

It's best to do warm salt-water rinses.

Is pus good in cuts or scrapes?

No. Pus means that the tissue is infected, and needs to be cleaned and rebandaged.

You are 2 and a half months and you had your nipple pierced before but you took it out 2 years ago there is still a tiny hole and you noticed white stuff come out is it milk or pus?

It is pus. You dont start making colustrum (pre-milk) until the seventh month. See a doctor.

How much does it cost for some good ointment for a sprained ankle at Walgreens?

The cost of good ointment for a broken ankle at Walgreens depends on what brand you buy and whether or not it is on sale. It can cost between $8 and $15 per ointment.

Why is pus good around cuts?

Because the white blood cells that have gone to repair the wound, have died. Resulting in pus.