PRobably leaves
Women wear menstrual pads during menstruation, the purpose of these is to collect menstrual flow as it leaves the body in order to prevent it getting onto clothing. Some women will use pads before their period starts to be ready, and even when using tampons they still have to alternate with pads.
Of course it's possible to go your whole life without ever using a tampon.Tampons are not a necessity at all - women can use pads or cups, some women choose to use nothing at all so will opt for free-flow or menstrual release. There is nothing to say that anyone has to use tampons if they don't want to, in some cultures women are actively discouraged from tampon use.
Women pads themselves do not cause diseases, but improper use or lack of hygiene when wearing pads can lead to infections such as urinary tract infections or yeast infections. It is important to change pads regularly and maintain good hygiene practices to prevent these issues.
Women would use tampons or menstrual pads. There are also options like menstrual release too.
If the child is older than 8 or 55 pounds, it is OK to use adult pads. If not, do not use adult pads as the shock will be too much.
Butt pads?? What is that?? Do you mean women hygiene pads? If so they are available at almost every convenience store.
No, you don't have to wear tampons during your period. Most women start-off using pads, also if you use tampons or sponges you have to use pads as it's not safe to use tampons or sponges overnight, with light flow or throughout your entire period. You can use menstrual cups or softcups which don't require you to use pads at all, or there are options such as menstrual release that require nothing.
they take sanitary napkins or tampons with them, and use sanitary wipes to keep themselves clean in a forward environment.
Vaughn Pads