Puberty can make nipples ache in female humans and some males. Pregnancy can also cause nipples to feel pressure like clothespins for long periods of time. There may also be a disease that has caused this. If the condition continues without cause like puberty or pregnancy, it may be cancer and should be checked by a doctor. The only other option is if you had some sort of physical accident and hurt your nipple badly. Breast-feeding children may be enough to harm sensitive people.
Why on earth would any person in their right mind even contemplate putting toothpaste on their nipples? It probably won't cause a rash, but if the skin of your nipples is sensitive to the ingredients of toothpaste then it is possible for a rash to form.
It would be best if you went and saw a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) about this condition as soon as possible.
Pre-eclampsia is a medical condition in pregnant women that if left untreated can cause seizures in pregnant women. Symptoms include high protein in the urine and can cause your hands and face.
An organic condition refers to a medical or psychological condition that has a physical cause within the body, such as a disease or injury, rather than being attributed to psychological factors. These conditions are typically diagnosed through objective medical tests or imaging.
yes because of medicine
Most commonly caused by diabetes.
veins are naturally bluish, for the purple nipples.... consult a doctor!
Yes. but the condition you are prescribed medical marijuana in the first place should be cause for a discharge anyway.
The process of identifying a medical disease or condition is called diagnosis. It involves gathering information about the patient's symptoms, medical history, and conducting tests to determine the underlying cause of the illness.