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This fluid is not water. This is the beginning of breast milk. Soon it will turn a milky yellow color and this is breast milk.

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Q: What is it when water comes out from women's nipple?
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What is a bathtub nipple?

Maybe the spout where the water comes out.

Would suction make a womens inverted nipple stay out?

Yes, after extended use, nipple suction does make the enlargement and elongation permanent: the nipple will not stay erect, but will stay out and function like a normal nipple--enlarging when stimulated.

Why is there a little dent in the center of your nipple?

There's a dent at the center of the nipple where milk comes out if needed.

Do womens nipple shrink when they rub their click?

yes, when rubbing the clit area everything shrinks and you turn into a dwarf

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Is there a hole in the nipple?

Yes, of course they do. That is where the milk comes out when a women nurses a baby.

Why are womens niples sore?

Dryness of the nipple can cause soreness. Some women have problems with dry cracked nipples, and putting a balm or salve on them daily can help.

Ge front load washer is leaking water from the bottom what can it be?

Open the washer door and at the top of the inside seal there is a plastic nipple (this is where the water comes out of) ...Make sure that nipple hasn't worked itself loose (and pushed back from the seal.) If it is pull it back thru the hole and line it up with the impression in the seal. We had the same problem and this fixed it.

Are women's nipples supposed to become hard?

If you mean that they are always erect it is normal and nothing wrong with you.

Where is 'doon the water'?

"Doon the water" is a Scottish term that refers to the area along the River Clyde in Scotland, particularly around the city of Glasgow. It is a colloquial way of saying "down the water" or "along the river."

Does milk come from a pimple?

no it comes from a nipple, but people concentrate it enough to where its basically pus

How do you sterilize a bottle nipple for a baby?

To sterilize a baby's bottle nipple first of all wash thoroughly in hot soapy water then place in rapidly boiling water for a minimum of 5 minutes. Leave the bottle nipple to air dry before using it.