A hose nipple is a push-on fitting that allows you to connect the hose to a threaded fitting. See related link below for a picture of a hose nipple.
top radiator hose, Engine side, metal nippile that attaches hose to motor,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Its under the nipple Top radiator hose,, engine side,,metal nipple that attaches hose to motor,, its under the nipple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, be sure to put the new t-stat in with the larger brass side toward the motor.
Very difficult to get to,,, easy to find,,,,,follow the top radiator hose to the motor,, its under the hose nipple that the hose is attached to.
a square with a nipple for a vaccuum hose, usually bolted to the firewall
Look at the valve cover rear near the drivers side of the engine. there is a hose attached to a nipple there, the nipple is the PCV valve, it might come out with the hose, if not get a pair of plier and pull it out. The cost about $3 at the parts store.
It doesn't use one.
The drain hose is connected to a nipple underneath the battery tray.
look at the p/s pump one hose is attached with a metal high pressure the other is just a regular rubber hose that slips over a nipple and is clamped with a hose clamp is the low pressure or return line.
attach a hose to the nipple and have it go into a canister with fluid already in it this will keep the fluid from sucking back up
Just the drain tube "yes" but not the nipple that it goes to.............
between firewall and engine, between a rubber hose that leads to the valve cover and a short 90 degree hose to a vacuum nipple.
If your transmission has a modulator it is on the side of the trans and it has a nipple on it for the vaccum line. I you. Mark
Assuming a 3.1 engine : Remove the air filter plenum at the throttle body. Under the TB is the upper radiator hose nipple. Remove the radiator hose . Remove the nipple, access the T-stat. Make sure you use a new gasket. reverse procedure to put the unit back together.