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The nipples do tend to harden a little once Puberty has begun so it should be nothing to worry about. If you are concerned then visit your Doctor Who will examine them for you.

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Q: What if your nipples have a rock like object in them during a guys puberty?
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There are many guys who like it when they can see girls' nipples. This is considered a sexual attraction and is common accentuated during sexual relations.

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A boys voice changes during Puberty. It generally gets lower in tone.

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Most guys do.

How do you make a guys nipples hard?

Ice them

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Some do.

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the pervs of the world find woman nipples sexual but not men.

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yes, if the girl has hit puberty.

Is it normal for guys groin to stick up when you think something looks hot?

Yes, especially during teen 'puberty' years.

Do guys like big nipples?

Most guys usually do like big nipples because it makes them feel like they have a sexier girlfriend....which makes them want to show offSome guys like big nipples some dont. Its just like every other thing about a girl, some guys are into it others are not. If you meet the right guy he will love everything about you.

Do guys pay attention to the appearance of nipples?

yes definitely they do..

What is a guys puberty?

A guy goes through puberty just like girls. Guys develop deeper voices, and pubic hair and some other things.

Why a guy always wants to hang out with a girl amost every day?

First of all, not all guys do. But for the guys who do, its because of hormones and his attraction towards the girl. He can't help it, especially if its during puberty.