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When people poke them

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Q: What hurts your nipples?
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What if your nipples itches and hurts and your lower abdomen feels full and it hurts sometimes what do you have?

maybe your getting your period.

What hurts worse nipples or nose piercing?

Nipple piercing. Nipples are very sensitive would you want to have a needle shoved in your tit?

Do you need big nipples for a piercing?

nope, but it hurts a lot more if you do lol

Why did your boyfriend pass out after he got his nipples pierced?

Because it hurts and his balls havent dropped yet

You are pregnant and your nipples ache when your husband sucks on them Can anyone help you?

I think you should tell a doctor about that and see what he recomends. If he/she does not know, or if he/she can not help you... tell your husband to stop0 sucking on your nipples.! duhhhh !! if it hurts just stop. ya, maybe it will be hard for him to stop but he will if it hurts you !!! <33 Marilyn. Age 49.

How does it feel to nurse a baby milk?

I'm A mom of 2 and I breastfed both them and it hurts. They suck so hard on your nipples

How do you make your nipples go down?

you cant, the swelling in nipples are part of puberty, its normal, unless it hurts and doesnt go away over time, in that case you shoudl go to a doctor, but in the mean time your going to have to live with it

Why are your nipples sore and your stomach hurts when you sneeze you have took a pregnancy test and it was negative?

You're ovulating. Sounds like completely normal pms symptoms.

Why does one of your nipples have a lump behind it and hurts when I touch it Men's health?

Go to a doctor and have it checked, especially if the pain has been 2-3 days.

You are a boy aged 12 why does there seem to be a lump under your nipple and it hurts?

It is possible you just need some testosterone cream to rub on your nipples. Why not see a doctor.

Do you get knots in your nipples when your going through puberty?

Yes, you do get knots in your nipples when your growing through puberty! Your boobs get larger, and they become so sore! It hurts, but that's life. Don't worry it'll all be over before you no it.... believe me!..Ive been here...

As a symptom of pregnancy your breast get sore exactly where does it hurts?

Mine personally were sore all over the place, just like before my period. My nipples were also sore, and hot once in a while. My friend said it felt like her nipples were being sting by bee's.