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The minimum daily dose of fiber from whole plant foods should be from 15-20 grams insoluble fiber to 15-20 grams soluble fiber.

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Q: What does fiber help with sports people?
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If you are talking about fiber it helps us digest food and keeps the large intestine doing what it does... digest

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sports influence people cause it is a fun game well to some people and also it could get you famous and get a collage degree!! sports can help u stay fit and get you far in life.

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It is proven by many scientists that when people get stressed or angry at something gum can definitely help with nerves.

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It can educate d people abt d sports .

Do peas have fiber?

Yes peas have a type of fiber called Soluble fiber. It can help lower cholesterol.

How can sports either support or impede nation building?

A good sports team can help to build a nation. It gives the people something to support and brings them together.

Why do people wear althletic wear?

Because the clothes are comfortable, or the people are playing sports. It help show profession!

What is the benefit of a high fiber diet?

Eating a high-fiber diet can provide a variety of health benefits. Fiber helps to regulate digestive health, reduce cholesterol levels, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, and may even help to reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Additionally, getting enough fiber in your diet can help you to maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk of obesity. Studies have found that people who eat a high-fiber diet tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and smaller waist measurements than those who follow a low-fiber diet. Furthermore, a high-fiber diet can help to keep you feeling full for longer, and can help to reduce hunger cravings. This can be especially helpful for people who are trying to lose weight, as it can help them to keep their caloric intake in check. Finally, fiber can help to reduce constipation and other digestive issues, by helping the body to move waste more quickly.

Does fiber help build muscle?
