Mammogram not elsewhere classified
If you mean horizontally asymmetrical there are 15: BCDEFGJKLNPQRSZ If you mean vertically asymmetrical there are 17: AFGJLMNPQRSTUVWYZ
A BIRADS 0 rating indicates that the mammogram is incomplete and requires further assessment.
A normal mammogram may be rated as BIRADS 1 or negative, which means no abnormalities were seen.
BIRADS 5 means an abnormality is highly suggestive of cancer. The suspicious area should be biopsied.
A follow-up mammogram within a short interval of six months is suggested.
it is stable
asymmetrical septal hypertrophy
"Dense breasts" on a mammogram is a normal finding. A "thickness" on mammogram is not a typically used phrase; ask your health care provider to clarify what the results actually say.
In some contexts, it may mean mammogram or mammography.
BI-RADS 4 on a mammogram means there is a suspicious abnormality, and a biopsy might be required. It does not necessarily mean cancer.
Its the code for a mammogram screen.