

Best Answer

Shannon Moore's Eyes Are Like Jeff Hardy's Or Adam Copeland's(Edge) Their Green.

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Q: What color are Shannon Moore's eyes?
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Who sings Shannon Moores's song?

Shannon Moore. He sings the song himself

When is shannon moores birthday?

July 27, 1979

What is shannon moores brother and sisters names?

shemar Moore

Are Matt and Jeff hardy and shannon moores brother?

no but they have been friends since they were teenagers.

What boes 2bme on the side of shannon moores pants mean?

It means that he has come into his own and now knows who he is and what it's like to be him.

What colour are shannon leto's eyes?

They are hazel.

When was Moores created?

Moores was created in 1980.

What color is Shannon's hair?

If u r asking about shannon baker it's jet black

When is Sedash Moores concert?

Sedash Moores concert is in 2013

What is the color of shannon leto's eye's?


When was Peter Moores born?

Peter Moores was born in 1932.

When was David Moores born?

David Moores was born in 1945.