swell can have two meanings-
the first one can mean larger than normal, bigger, larger.
the second meaning can mean- good great. for example, 'when i think of the swell time i could have without you' the word swell in this means good or great!
The most likely cancer that would present as a mass in the arm pit is breast cancer. This is due to lymph node swelling, as a result of breast cancer that has metastasized to lymph nodes in the "tail" of the breast tissue in and near the arm pit.However, before becoming overly concerned about a swelling in the arm pit, check with your physician first. There are many more benign causes than malignant causes.
Breast tenderness is all of that. It could be tenderness, pain, swelling...etc of a breast or nipple
Breast swelling and soreness is brought about by engorgement or wrongful technique in breastfeeeding .
Yes. There are many possible causes for breast pain. For example, hormone level changes related to menstruation or pregnancy are often responsible for breast tenderness. Some degree of swelling and tenderness just before your period is normal.
A few breast cancer symptoms are a lump in the breast, swelling in armpit, and pain in breast.
what kind of infection can cause a swollen lymph node in the left breast
causes by our sweat glands.
Arthritis causes pain, stiffness and swelling of joints.
Not losing her vaginity to me causes her to have breast cancer
It is very easy to describe a lump in a breast. It's what it says, a lump in the breast. Swelling or a bump in a breast and feels very, very different from breast tissue.