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Hi, Nipple soreness can be a sign you are going to have a period arriving soon hun. There is no need to worry about nipple soreness unless you notice a nipple discharge. Take care. This is also the time your body is preparing to go into peri menopause and your hormones are doing dips and dives, highs and lows. Nipple tenderness, soreness or your breasts feeling bloated (along with feeling bloated in your tummy) are some side effects. Eventually (all women are different and it can take 10 or less years from now) you will go into full menopause where you cease to have periods at all, but still have the highs and lows of hormones, feel cranky, moody, cry for no reason, hot/cold flashes,gain weight (or you may not depending on your genetic structure) and depressed at times. Not all menopausal women go through all these side effects. It's wise to go on the internet and start learning about peri menopause and menopause as it's simply just another phase of a woman's life and not the end of the world. When I went into menopause I dealt with it naturally and I found I had more time to do the things I never had the chance to do before. I went back to my writing, good at artwork, work part-time, etc. There is no reason to worry of this as it's natural.

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Q: Should you worry if you are 43 years old and your nipples have been sore for three weeks and you are not pregnant?
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When she is 3 weeks pregnant, her nipples should "pink up" ie go from the normal off-shite colour, to quite a rosy pink colour. If she is over 3 weeks gone, then you will have to wait to see some weight gain & enlargement of her nipples, which may take a few more weeks to be noticeable.

Is it normal to be 2 weeks pregnant and not have sore nipples?

The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

I missed my period about two weeks ago and still haven't started Now my nipples hurt Is it hormones or could I be pregnant?

both. you should go and get a pregnancy test; I'm about months pregnant now and when i was about 6 weeks (or 2 weeks past due on my period), my nipples started to get darker and more sensitive. although, it could be stress - but to play it safe, if you have had unprotected sex, go get tested now

How early in the pregnancy does discharge appear?

I have 2 kids and think I am about 3-4 weeks pregnant I have had the sore nipples and the bloating as well. Every time I had concieved I knew right away and all three times I had this creamy milky white discharge and it came at about 3 weeks pregnant.

If you are 3 weeks pregnant when did you conceive?

Three weeks ago.

My dog is supposed to be pregnant its been 2 or 3 weeks and shes still skinny but her nipples are bigger is she pregnant?

It could be a fake pregnancy if you female dogsmammary glands is enlarged then she is pregnant if not it is a fake pregnancy.This should help youhttp:/

Ten weeks late three neg tests bloating sore breasts tired am I pregnant?

You could be pregnant. You should go to the Doctor and receive a pregnant test.

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

Your nipples are really sore and im cramping im not supposed to start your period for 2 weeks and ive never had your nipples sore before Could you be pregnant?

It does not mean you are pregnent your fine

If your 3 weeks pregnant but don't know it should you keep taking the pill in case you aren't or stop taking it in case you are?

Take a pregnancy test, which will certainly be positive if you're three weeks pregnant.