Because kittens bite on the nipple and their rough tounges lick it therefore making the nipple sore. what can i do to comfort her if my female cats nipples are sore can i put vasaline on it
yes, but usually you breasts get hard as the mammary glands swell joymaker rn
It varies for each person - sometimes breasts and nipples, sometimes just nipples and sometimes just breasts
Because your nipples are small and the breasts are larger with less nerve endings spread out
yes some women experience nipple tenderness. This is separate from breast tenderness. Sometimes the breast tenderness may not occur, or may come later in the post-ovulatory stage of the cycle.
The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
I am very sorry to tell you but you do have breast cancer.
On many breast cancer support sites, this doesn't appear to be a sign of breast cancer. Many websites list inverted nipples or a lump behind the nipple as being a sign.
Your getting old.
They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.
i have the same issue and i would like to know.. its cancer i thin k just talk to ur doctor hopefully a girl because its just gross for a gut to do it unless he hot
Apply a lanolin ointment such as Lansinoh or PureLan. You could use a nipple shield to give your nipples a break but this could cause nipple confusion. Nipples should not be cracked if your baby is latching correctly. It is important to make sure your baby is latched on correctly so you avoid sore nipples and your baby gets enough milk.