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Q: Lump on the left side of your chest above your breast for the past few days it has grown in size and is blue feels like it is bruised should you worry if it is breast cancer?
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What is it if you have pain on your right side above your breast and goes into your jaw?

Breast Cancer.

What could be causing a pain above my left ribs and below my breasts?

Breast cancer. Get a mammogram.

Should a woman who has had breast cancer have a CT scan?

If the CT was recommended by a doctor, you should probably have it. if it is simply because you want to know whether it is completely gone, talk to your doctor, who can then recommend the scan as above.

What age group usually gets breast cancer?

older groups usually women above the age of 50.

How often should a male testicular and female breast exam be preformed?

Digital rectal examination is done yearly for males 50 and above. Self breast exam monthly for women.Mammograms as early as 35 years old if there is familial history of cancer. 39 years old and above annul mammograms for those not at risk.

Why would the mitotic index be relevant to a diagnosis of breast cancer?

Because cancer is uncontrolled mitosis of cells; thus if the mitotic index of the breast cells in question is outside the normal range (above it, generally), then this would suggest increased rate of cell proliferation which could indicate cancer.

What if you have one hot swollen breast?

One hot swollen breast can possibly be mastitis, a benign breast infection, BUT if one round of antibiotics does not help, insist on a skin or punch biopsy to rule out IBC. Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) may include redness, swelling, and warmth in the breast, often without a distinct lump in the breast. The redness and warmth are caused by cancer cells blocking the lymph vessels in the skin. The skin of the breast may also appear pink, reddish purple, or bruised. The skin may also have ridges or appear pitted, like the skin of an orange (called peau d'orange), which is caused by a buildup of fluid and edema (swelling) in the breast. Other symptoms include heaviness, burning, aching, increase in breast size, tenderness, or a nipple that is inverted (facing inward) (3). These symptoms usually develop quickly—over night or over a period of weeks. Swollen lymph nodes may also be present under the arm, above the collarbone, or in both places. However, it is important to note that these symptoms may also be signs of other conditions such as infection, injury, or other types of cancer (1). You should see a doctor to rule out IBC.

What could it mean when your nipples leak but you are not pregnant?

A clear discharge usually doesn't mean anything. Your nipples are probably sore due to PMS or your period. Check with your local physician. See your Doctor. Any new symptom with your breast is nothing to ignore.

Where can cancer lumps be found?

when breast cancer first discovered and it was found at the tail section of mammary gland, where is close to arm, breast cancer can be found above or blow the nipple, not limited to the tail section any more.Although, there are many immediate causes, but the real culprits are bad postures, colon problems and other, each one correlates with each location.

Do deodrant cause breast cancer?

Antiperspirant and Breast CancerStudies show no relationship between the use of antiperspirants and deodorants and the development of breast cancer. However, there have also been some suggestions that a substance in antiperspirants can mimic estrogen in the body, which is a causative factor in certain types of breast cancer.AnswerThe above poster gave you good advice. I just wanted to add that instead of spending a fortune or taking any risks I use baking soda under my arms. There is no smell and any perspiration is absorbed. Baking soda is natural. You could put it in a talc bottle with tiny holes on the lid. If this doesn't appeal to you then go to a Natural Health Food Store that handles herbal underarm deodorants.

Are you at Risk for Breast Cancer?

One of the most feared diseases among women is breast cancer, which continues to increase each year. In 2009 there were over 192,000 new cancer cases for females and just over 40,000 deaths as a result of malignant breast tumors. Cancer cells that form as tumors may be benign and are non-life threatening or they may be malignant, which may not only threaten life, but may spread to other parts of the body and damage other organs and tissues. Although these malignant tumors of the breast can be removed, they sometimes will reoccur or grow back. Having knowledge about mammary cancer and the risk factors associated with it is very important and should be a concern for women in particular. Breast cancer is not contagious; however, there are some factors that increase the chances of some women developing this type of cancer. Women who may have an increased risk of breast cancer include: •Older women over 60 years of age. •Those who have had a parent, child or sibling diagnosed with breast cancer, familial, especially before age 50. •Those with menstrual and reproductive history such as women who never had children, those experiencing menopause after age 55 and those who had their first menstrual period prior to age 12. •Women of the white race, followed by African American and Hispanic women are diagnosed more often. •Obese and overweight women after menopause. •Women who drink excess alcohol and who are not physically active. •Women with high density breast which include dense and fatty tissues. •Those women whose personal health history includes having had cancer in one breast and who have breast cells which are abnormal. Other risk factors that may contribute to women developing malignant breast tumor include receiving radiation therapy in the chest area before age 30, changes in certain genome or genes and pregnant women who took DES during 1940 and 1971. If you have any of the above risk factors, it does not mean that you will develop breast cancer. However, along with your self-examination, you should do your regular breast cancer screening with your health care provider, which may include a clinical breast exam and a mammogram.

Soft but large swollen area above your collar bone should you be concerned?

Probably cancer...