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Dont worry this may be nothing serious most teens get lumps in their breast from around 12-18 so and will last about 6 months to a year or two. If it starts to hurt or becomes red without you touching it consult a doctor or if you are not a teen.

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15y ago
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15y ago

It could be a lot of things and it could be nothing. A muscle tear or other injury can form a lump that hurts. Tumors tend to form non-painful lumps. I do not have enough information to help much, but, if you are concerned, see a doctor.

Thank you. We've seen a doctor and had an ultra sound done. Now we are just waiting to get an MRI scheduled. It's the waiting that kills me.

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11y ago

use you hand and massage you breast. if you have a lump there, immediately go to the doctor. do not wait. if you are unsure, go to the doctor. lumps are signs of breast cancer.

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16y ago

my husband found a lump on his left breast. Its very painful, also his left shoulder has been hurting

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14y ago

A lump under your breast is a warning that you need to see your doctor. Even if you are a man, a lump could still be cancer.

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Q: Iv'e had a lump in my left breast for a while and at times it hurts could this be a sign of breast cancer or a cyst?
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Where on the breast does breast cancer start?

The truth is that it could start anywhere on your breast. But most of the times breast cancers start on your left breast and on outer and upper quadrant (if you divide breast in four parts by two perpendicular lines).

Did Hilter's mom have breast cancer?

basicly hitlers mom did not die of breast cancer .......... he shot 76547 times in the head her whilst raping her for 3 hours by buckweeet

What type of breast pain is a sign that you might have breast cancer?

Breast Pain and CancerThere is no specific type of breast pain that is a sign that a patient might have breast cancer. Breast cancer does not typically cause breast pain.Virtually all the breast pains that women experience are caused by benign problems. Most of these are caused by fibrocystic breast and hormonal changes.However, you have to be careful when you hear people say that if you have breast pain then, you do not have breast cancer. This is because breast pain and breast cancer can coexist in the same breast, but they are not usually related. In other words one did not cause the other.So, the same woman with breast cancer can have breast pain, just like the same woman with breast cancer can have blue eyes or grey hairs.So, a woman with breast pain is not protected from breast cancer and should still be screened for breast cancer like any other woman.

How many times do you have to visit a doctor for breast cancer?

sinc november omost 4 time

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk).Definition from the American Cancer Society:Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that may invade surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too.Both women and men can get breast cancers but women are 100 times more prone to get breast cancers than men.breast cacer is a type of cancer that infects womans boosums and that can cause seariouse problem with the cycle in your body

What's Breast cancer?

Breast cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk).Definition from the American Cancer Society:Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that may invade surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too.Both women and men can get breast cancers but women are 100 times more prone to get breast cancers than men.breast cacer is a type of cancer that infects womans boosums and that can cause seariouse problem with the cycle in your body

Can breast cancer be spreaded?

yes it can spred though out some ones body that is why the breast has to be cut of some times. but if you mean spread from one person to another then NO.

What does breast cancer reconstruction imply?

Breast cancer reconstruction implies a surgery performed to repair the appearance of breast tissue to make it look more natural, as it would have before a mastectomy (term for removal of one or both breasts) was performed to remove cancerous tumors or cells. Sometimes breast cancer reconstruction involves only breast implants, other times it is more about the outside aesthetics - such as creating the appearance of nipples where they had been removed.

How fast does invasive breast cancer grow?

Most women are shocked to find out that they have had their Breast cancer for years before it was discovered. Cancer growth is measured in doubling times. One doubling time is the amount of time that it takes for the mass of cancer cells to double in size. It takes about 23 doubling times to go from one cancer cell to become a large enough mass to be seen on a mammogram, and about 30 doubling times to become large enough to be felt as a lump, about one billion cells. Doubling times may be as short as 10 days or as long as several years. Four months is an average doubling time. A cancer's doubling time is an indication of how fast it grows. The doubling time is very important in determining the time course of the cancer. For example, a cancer first starts when a woman is 40. It is a fast growing cancer with a doubling time of 2 months. It takes 46 months (2x23), or almost four years, before it is large enough to be detected by a mammogram and 60 months, or five years, before she feels it. She is diagnosed with cancer at age 44 or 45. If, on the other hand, she has a slow growing cancer with a doubling time of two years, she would be 86 before it could be found on a mammogram and 100 before she could feel it. She probably would die of other causes before she ever knew she had cancer. Carefully performed autopsy studies show undetected invasive breast cancer in over 3% of women age 40 and older. Since most breast cancers grow at an intermediate pace, usually the cancer has been present for 8-10 years before being discovered. Metastatic cancer, like the original cancer in the breast, must double in size at least 23 times before it can be found.

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Most women are shocked to find out that they have had their breast cancer for years before it was discovered. Cancer growth is measured in doubling times. One doubling time is the amount of time that it takes for the mass of cancer cells to double in size. It takes about 23 doubling times to go from one cancer cell to become a large enough mass to be seen on a mammogram, and about 30 doubling times to become large enough to be felt as a lump, about one billion cells. Doubling times may be as short as 10 days or as long as several years. Four months is an average doubling time. A cancer's doubling time is an indication of how fast it grows. The doubling time is very important in determining the time course of the cancer. For example, a cancer first starts when a woman is 40. It is a fast growing cancer with a doubling time of 2 months. It takes 46 months (2x23), or almost four years, before it is large enough to be detected by a mammogram and 60 months, or five years, before she feels it. She is diagnosed with cancer at age 44 or 45. If, on the other hand, she has a slow growing cancer with a doubling time of two years, she would be 86 before it could be found on a mammogram and 100 before she could feel it. She probably would die of other causes before she ever knew she had cancer. Carefully performed autopsy studies show undetected invasive breast cancer in over 3% of women age 40 and older. Since most breast cancers grow at an intermediate pace, usually the cancer has been present for 8-10 years before being discovered. Metastatic cancer, like the original cancer in the breast, must double in size at least 23 times before it can be found.

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>Race For The CureOne of the hardest things a woman could face in her life is breast cancer. This is why the Susan G. Komen foundation has breast cancer runs through the year in order to raise money to fight the disease. All of the money raised from each run is given back to the medical community in the hopes of finding a cure for breast cancer. Sometimes, the money is given to families who have been affected by the disease. Scholarships are also created for those who have family members with breast cancer. There are breast cancer runs in almost every state at all times of the year. It is easy to register for a run, and the cause is well worth the work that is put into it.Most cancer runs begin in the morning and last for either a set amount of time or miles. Thousands of women, children and even men gather to run races for a cure for breast cancer. Many of the women who run or walk in the cancer events are survivors of breast cancer or they are family members of someone who has the disease. Shirts can be ordered to wear on the day of the run, and groups can purchase shirts for members to wear the day of the event. It is a magical time in the life of those who run in the event. Millions of dollars have been raised through breast cancer runs. Each person who decides to run can choose to form a group or gather sponsors who will support them while they are running. Participants do not have to run through the entire event. They can walk or even use a wheelchair if they have one. Local celebrities have been speakers at breast cancer runs in order to get the word out about breast cancer. Many of the runs that have been conducted enable hospitals to treat women who have breast cancer so that there are more survivor stories among women.

Guiding light did reva really have cancer?

Yes she did, two times. First she had breast cancer and was in remission. Shortly after getting married and finding out she was pregnant she found out that she had a form of leukemia, but also beat that too.