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There is no way to know if you have reached puberty, the most likely chance is that you haven't reached puberty. I was 14 when my breasts started to grow. You will be fine everyone is different.

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Q: Is there something wrong when i don't have nipples and i have reached puberty?
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Does the vagina itch if your going through puberty?

no, if it does it is weird and unusual and there is something wrong with you

Are there many female adults who never went through puberty?

Unless there is something medically wrong, they all go through puberty.

Can a nipple swell during puberty?

yes it is mi nipples are like that to and theres nuthn wrong with that every bodys nipples r diffrent

Will everyone hit puberty?

Yes. unless there is something genetically wrong. every one, Boy or Girl will go through puberty. most people hit it at about 13 or 14

Do wrong choices have to do with puberty?

Absolutely not. Puberty is a natural stage of development. Choosing, right or wrong, is a learned or affected behavior. I know of dozens if not hundreds of people decades past puberty who still make wrong choices, and puberty is not a choice; it is an immutable, inescapable force.

What if your mom ask you to rub her nipples what should you do?

shes not your mum if she is asking you to rub her nipples that would be wrong.

I am 26 and i still havn't gone through puberty let alone know what it is is there something wrong with me or is this normal for most canadians?

No. This isn't normal for anyone. You probably have gone through puberty, but there haven't been significant changes. There's nothing wrong with you, just your body. I would suggest surgery or growth injections

How can you go through puberty early?

Without some potentially very dangerous hormone treatments you couldn't jump start your puberty early. Your body will go through puberty when it is ready for it. If you feel that there is something wrong with your body and that you should have already started puberty, then you should talk to your doctor. They will be able to examine you and run some tests. If they agree that you need to chemically start puberty, then they will be able to assist you with that.

Is there something wrong with you if you are a 4 foot 6 12 year old boy?

No well all hit puberty at different ages if you did your doctor would know.

What is wrong with 9 year old hit puberty?

Everybody hits puberty at a different age. 7-12 is the normal range for beginning puberty.

What could be wrong if your nipples are swollen and pink?

Have you taken a pregnancy test?

You want a manly voice?

Wait a couple of years until you hit puberty... If you're past puberty... Then something must be wrong with your testosterone levels or something, or you're just missing the tools of the trad spell words more manly for examples m as muscles not mickey mouse b as a baseball not boy.